Monday, November 23, 2015


Evora - Roman ruins

Portugal cycling 2015
overall trip

biking highlights

Algarve - by car!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Ride don't hide, Sunday June 23 2013

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have just had knee surgery, and gradually recovering strength peparatory for two rides coming up, one to Italy in May with Gordon Lister, catching some of the Giro d-Italia, and then the Conquer Cancer Bike ride in June!  You can support me for the Conquer Cancer Ride, supporting the BC Cancer agency, by clicking on the following link:

Sponsor Pierre, and support BC Cancer Agency (tax-deductible!)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Innovative Italian bike wine holder
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On our way to Adriatic coast, and agrotourism stop, Italy
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Lunch after long ride, Italy
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Biking in Abruzzi, Provincia di Teramo, Italy
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Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ride to Conquer Cancer 2009
Vancouver to Seattle

Michael's special torture training route
URL for this route is:

Sunday, April 12, 2009



Saturday, April 04, 2009


Mexico trip 2008 - touring the ruins
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Looks like the web address for donations to Conque Cancer will not work, but the Conquer Cancer web site now has a way to link to Facebook, so this is what I will do. Fundraising is going well for both Mike B and myself - thanks to other virtual bikers , friends and family, for digging into their pockets to help for this worthy cause.

Last weekend Mike B and I did about 60 km, plus a spin class, so progressing well towards the goal of 120 km/day by June 20 2009, the day of the ride!

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